Laos’ Boloven Plateau

by Exotissimo Travel, Nov 12, 2009 | Destinations: Laos
Waterfalls - Bolaven, Lao

Waterfalls - Bolaven, Lao

Waterfalls - Bolaven, Lao

The Boloven Plateau is an elevated region in Laos that that can be as high as 1,350 meters above sea level and is a part of the Annamite Mountain Range. The area holds important historical and economical significance to Laos.

The Boloven Plateau is a major agricultural area. More than 100 years ago, the French introduced many of the agricultural techniques crops to the inhabitants including coffee. The area suffered greatly during the Second Indochina War. It was considered a strategically vital area for the Americans and the North Vietnamese and as a result, the Boloven Plateau received heavy bombings. Evidence of this can be seen today as unexploded ordnances are still scattered throughout the area and bombing craters in other areas. The Ho Chi Minh Trail passes through the Boloven Plateau as well.

With the area’s beautiful waterfalls, coffee plantations, and history, the Boloven Plateau is a region in Southern Laos that should be visited when visitng Laos. You can bask in the 120 meter Taat Fang walls or enjoy the aroma and taste of the region’s freshly brewed coffee. Be sure not to stray off the trail when visiting the Bolovens Plateau as some mines and bomb duds still exist and are being cleared at the moment. Many ethnic tribes call the Boloven Plateau home, so there are numerous chances for visitors to experience their way of life.

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